The staff was always pleasant to me and were ready to assist if need..Dive staff, Boat captains and instructors were awesome, very knowledgable, and willing to give pointers or help. I wished the baggage crew had uniforms or a clear ID they work for the hotel cus it was kind of concerning having someone in regular clothes randomly knock on your door on your check out day and ask for your I wasn't crazy about rusted locks on lockers (Understood why, but the floors were wet and slippery) but the 2 placement areas made them convenient for grab gear and go. The front door and locks for the rooms were very concerning and I questioned if I should've just left the door unlocked like the vehicle we rented for dives to prevent people from breaking the window and stealing items(Yes petty theft is a problem here regardless how the staff down plays it) on the island..The cashless transaction (Bill to the room) and ticket system for some menu and special night non-regular menu items will require you to review your bill like an auditor for the IRS or pay with card to avoid disputes, and confusion on check out.. Other than that this resort is good to lay your head at night and get up early to scuba dive all day..Non-scuba related activities were very limited so if you bring someone non-scuba certified they will probably get bored really quick..This is a Scuba dive only resort if you’re looking for amenities you won’t find much and I would say this place is a tad over priced.