Well, when we checked in, I was so excited where the Hilton and I unpacked all her bags like I always do into the drawers cause I knew we were gonna be there for at least a couple days put everything in the closet and then my fiancé passed out as soon as we got There I knew that something was going to go bad because everything works so smooth ha ha so after I put everything out in our closet in our drawers at the bed already we like it spread sprayed with Lysol. I'm going to the bathroom to go to the bathroom and there's literally like brown dots all over the wall the wall behind the toilet I'm like oh no that can't be what I think it is sure enough it was poop. It was all over the wall behind the toilet on the floor on the side of the cabinets, the side of the toilet and the front of the toilet on the other side of the toilet was disgusting so toilet was kind of clean, but it didn't even look that clean , but I didn't ruffle anybody's feathers so I didn't complain or anything but I did clean it up and it was gross. Luckily, I bring gloves and cleaner every Hotel we stay at just in case and I'm glad I did it this time. Also the poop that was on the wall it was hard and crusted under the wall. I just scrape it off with the scraper and I luckily had in my car. It was a disgusting. I told somebody at the front Desk to see if they cared, and she was like I'm by myself. I asked for towels with the towels she gave me we're back Rugs so not very fun, but the bed was the most comfor