Among the best things to do in Deauville, a beautiful seaside escape located on Normandy, is to soak in its scenic beauty characterized by chalky white cliffs and colorful flowers. Often dubbed the "Parisian Riviera," Deauville has been a go-to destination...
Calvados, in Normandy, is the home of Deauville and a region that knows how to make the most of its...
Deauville is associated with Parisian style and cinematic glamor as well as irresistible, authentic charm. Immerse yourself in the neighborhoods...
Calvados, in Normandy, is the home of Deauville and a region that knows how to make the most of its land. This region's landscape is shaped by its orchards. The fruit cultivated so magnificently here is used in a number of different ways in desserts and beverages or in a melange of sweet and savory flavors. Cream and butter – components...
Read moreOne of the most compelling draws of Deauville is its nightlife scene. With no shortage of places for happy hour, the French town boasts nonstop night scenes in neighborhood pubs, exclusive clubs and hip music venues. Its casino, marina and horse-racing tracks have also given this landmark international renown. More than just a seaside resort, Deauville has become a key destination...
Read moreOur Deauville Travel Essentials lays out the essential information you need to help you plan your trip to one of the most popular destinations in Normandy, France. No matter how frequently you travel, some questions will always need answers: What’s the weather like? How can I get from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to my hotel? What currency and type...
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