Undeniably, Kapama Southern Camp offers beautiful, well thought-out accommodation and amenities. Food is varied and plentiful, but do not expect a top quality meal. Despite pleasant surroundings, the quality of dinner meals was disappointing (3 out of 4 dinner meals), especially the main entry: Fish (overcooked), grilled red meat (tasty, but too much fat and grizzle) and local dishes (satisfactory). Soups, although tasty, were typically way too salty. Service staff was typically friendly, efficient and accommodating. Waiting staff assigned to our table did their best to provide complementary service (buffet self-service). However, there was a definite feeling that they were expecting tips for such service.
Being our first, the safari was a very good introduction to various types of birds and game, including 4 of the big 5. The elusive leopard is unlikely to be sighted in this private, fenced-in reserve as the lion population is relatively abundant and territorial. The rangers and trackers are professional and did their best to give us good sighting experiences. However, to minimize human "traffic" during each game drive, the reserve is divided in quadrants that are assigned to groups of rangers, using a rotation schedule. Hence, given particular habitats in each quadrant, rangers and their trackers know which type of animals should and should not be seen on a given drive. Unfortunately, trackers are under employed. For authentic safari experience, go elsewhere.