The room was in terrible condition. The floors were filthy. Putting the clean bathmat turned it black streaked. No hangers for clothes, no ice machine, small ref/freezer, but no ice trays. Nothing useful in kitchen cabinets, a drawer missing. Urine in the toilet and crud in kitchen drain to greet us. Questionable bedspread, rips and burned spots. No amenities soap, shampoo, blow dryer. No service. Required to empty our trash cans or no return of $25 deposit cash deposit. No return of deposit because the manager didn't start work until 9am. We were working couldn't hang around for an hour &1/2. No chain lock for door, noisy heater, broken glass in bathrm. window. Only thing good I can say is the TV worked well & had cox for lots of channels. Strange rules, no visitors allowed being one. Don't think anyone sweeps, mops, dusts, cleans toilet or anything else!