Incorrect check-in instruction on the website. No way to check in when arriving unless calling them, which they charge you extra for. There is a telephone inside which you can't reach unless you already managed to get inside, it also does not work/just gives busy tone.
They claim had not properly sent the information to them, but also spoke with another guest couple that had booked with another booking website with the same problem, and a third guest that simply said one has to call them.
Took nearly 1 hour to check in due to this.
Initially got a room that was not cleaned after the previous guest. Seems like the cleaning procedure relies on you putting up a "checked out" sign on the door. Again one has to pay extra to call them to point it out and get a clean room. The second room we got was towards the street and the street noises was very noticeable inside.
As one can see in the pictures, the rooms does not have "queen size bed", it is 2 single beds that does not even have a common top mattress, or are even fastened together in some way. They easily slide apart.
Armchairs in the room had what looked like exchangeable/washable fabric covers, but they still had a lot of stains. In general also not the best cleaned room.
It was difficult to shower without getting most of the bathroom wet.
Location was good though. Decent potential, horrible execution.