Serangan Beach is a small coastal stretch on the south-eastern shore of Serangan Island, about 10 km south of Denpasar. Due to its secluded location, this white-sand beach is often uncrowded but you’ll find a variety of water sports along its northern end. Surfers are often seen paddling out to its great shore break.
Serangan Beach in South Bali - one of the highlights of 16 Best Things to Do in Denpasar (Read all about Bali here)

photo by laurent houmeau (CC BY-SA 2.0) modified
Things to do at Serangan Beach
Many locals often bring fishing poles to Serangan Beach, while others enjoy a run, walk, or bike ride along the beachfront pathway. There are beachside warungs (food stalls) selling local snacks, cold drinks and grilled fish at affordable prices.
Serangan Island serves as a nesting ground for sea turtles in Bali. Daytrips to Serangan Island are organized by the Turtle Conservation and Education Center, which allows you to learn about the endangered species and see baby turtles being released into the ocean.
There’s a shark nursery on Jalan Tukad Punggawa that houses over a dozen black-tip pups and white-tip reef sharks. The island is also home to Sakenan Temple, located on its westernmost edge

photo by laurent houmeau (CC BY-SA 2.0) modified
Serangan Beach in South Bali
Location: Pantai Serangan, Serangan Island, Serangan, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia