Where is Caminreal Fuentes Claras Station?
Caminreal Fuentes Claras Station is located in Caminreal. If you want to find things to see and do in the area, you might want to stop in and see Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and Gallocanta Lagoon Natural Reserve.
Where Can I Stay near Caminreal Fuentes Claras Station?
You might want to consider this hotel in Caminreal Fuentes Claras Station.
Rural House Azafrán - 1.7 mi (2.7 km) away
- cottage • Garden
Things to See and Do near Caminreal Fuentes Claras Station
What to See near Caminreal Fuentes Claras Station
- Church of Santa Maria Maggiore
- Calamocha Roman Bridge
- Church of Navarrete