Hotels in Nikhom Phatthana

Where to stay in Nikhom Phatthana?

Frequently asked questions

What hotels do travelers like in Nikhom Phatthana?
Guests like Maprangwan Resort 2.
Where can I get free parking at my hotel in Nikhom Phatthana?
These hotels offer the perk of free parking: Yamsurl House Resort, Maprangwan Resort 2 and Maprangwan Resort 1. There are 10 options you may want to check out on our site.
Can I book a refundable accommodation in Nikhom Phatthana?
If you need the flexibility to change your travel plans to Nikhom Phatthana, most properties provide refundable* bookable rates. You can find these properties by searching our site and using the “fully refundable” filter to narrow down the results.
Where should I consider staying in Nikhom Phatthana if I'm looking for a budget-friendly accommodation?
A few inexpensive options worth considering are Maprangwan Resort 2, Maprangwan Resort 1 and Yamsurl House Resort.
Where can I stay if I'm traveling to Nikhom Phatthana for a family-friendly trip?
Your kids are welcome at Maprangwan Resort 2, Maprangwan Resort 1 and Yamsurl House Resort.
What will the weather in Nikhom Phatthana be like during my visit?
Nikhom Phatthana is a great place to visit any time of year with an average temperature of 81°F during the coldest months.
Why should I book my Nikhom Phatthana hotel through
There are lots of reasons to book your Nikhom Phatthana trip with us: our free cancellations on selected hotels* gives you flexibility, and with One Key™, our rewards program, you will be able to earn and use OneKeyCash™** on all eligible bookings such as hotels, car rentals, flights, vacation rentals and more on, Expedia and Vrbo.